
「its'」に関連した英語例文の一覧(364ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索

<前へ 1 2 .... 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 .... 472 473 次へ>

However, Yoshikane became upset with the Kanto-kanrei Uesugi clan because he killed Noritomo UESUGI with the aim of depriving the Uesugi clan of its power.

だが、義鏡が関東管領である上杉氏の権力を剥奪しようとして上杉一門である教朝を倒したことから、上杉氏の反感を買ってしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later in the Edo period, however, heikyoku, which had been the exemplary accomplishment of Todo-za, had lost its popularity, and jiuta sangen, sokyoku and acupuncture became the practical skills required to become a Kengyo professional instead.

しかし、江戸時代には当道座の表芸たる平曲は下火になり、代わって地歌三弦や箏曲、鍼灸が検校の実質的な職業となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nakamaro served as its head from the very beginning, but the post of Shibinaisho became vacant when Nakamaro was appointed to Oho (Udaijin (Minister of the Right) and became the top of the Daijokan in 758.

長官職は創設以来仲麻呂が務めていたが、758年に仲麻呂が大保(右大臣)に転じて太政官の首班となり、紫微内相が空位になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kageyushi's inspection was called Kanpan at the time, and its record (Kageyushi-kanpanjo) was compiled in "Seiji yoryaku" (examples of the politics in the Heian period), a reference book for politics.

当時、勘解由使による監査を勘判と呼んでおり、政務の参考書籍として編まれた『政事要略』に勘判の記録(勘解由使勘判抄)が所載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1642, the Kanjogashira sei (a system controlled by a chief financial officer) was established, which put Gundai and Daikan under its jurisdiction, but Kanto Gundai was brought under the control of the Roju (members of the Shogun's council of elders) later on.

1642年(寛永19年)勘定頭制の施行に伴い、郡代・代官はその管轄下に置かれたが、その後関東郡代は老中支配となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Kamakura period, FUJIWARA no Sadaie frankly stated in "Okuiri" (Genji commentaries) that "'Yomei no suke' is the most difficult part to understand in the Tale of Genji and that its meaning may never be understood. "

鎌倉時代に入って藤原定家は『奥入』において「此の事源氏第一の難義なり、末代の人勘へ知るべき事に非ざるか」と意味が分からなくなっていることを正直に表明している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Bugyonin had already existed within the Kamakura bakufu, and upon its collapse, a number of them followed Takauji ASHIKAGA and joined the Muromachi bakufu to be employed as Bugyonin.

奉行人は鎌倉幕府より存在しており、鎌倉幕府滅亡後に足利尊氏に従って室町幕府に参加した者の中には引き続き、奉行人として用いられる者もいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As Jokan also took charge of katanashi (a ritual for reading out bound documents on the government affairs before the actual work starts) in Kansei (Imperial meetings at a Daijokan agency) and Gekisei (meetings at a Geki agency), it increased its role and the status of Geki and Shi in particular much improved.

官政・外記政において結政を担当するようになるとその役割が増大し、特に外記及び史の地位が大きく上昇した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the record in "Todaiji Yoroku" (the record of Todai-ji Temple), the treasurer was set up in the Toyoinosho in Yamato Province and Omotosho in Kii Province, where Todai-ji Temple had its Shoen manors.

『東大寺』によれば、東大寺の荘園があった大和国豊井荘や紀伊国木本荘に出納が設置されて年貢に関する業務にあたったことが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As such, those samurai who obeyed the order to kill members of the Taira clan were recognized as gokenin (shogun retainers) and many were given recognition and guarantees of ownership of their principal residences in an act known as `Hontaku Ando` (confirmation of a family's possession of its residence and the immediately adjacent land).

そのため、平氏追討に従う武士を御家人として認定し本宅を安堵する「本宅安堵」が多く行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Yamanouchi clan suppressed them and put what remained of the Chosokabe corps, including Ichiryo gusoku, under its control, giving them the rank of goshi (country samurai), which was a rank below that of a Joshi (upper-level feudal retainer of a daimyo).

山内氏はこれを鎮圧し、やがて一領具足を含む長宗我部遺臣団を、藩士(上士)以下の身分である郷士として取り込んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the official rank still held the power of authority even after the Ritsuryo system broke down and its actual meaning was lost, it was used to clarify the rank order of the warriors.

官位は、律令制が崩壊し、実質的な意味が無くなっても権威としての威力を持っていたために、武士の序列を明確化する目的でも使用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For convenience of Saigu, Saiguryo took after the Imperial Court in Kyoto with a large organization of more than 120 officials including the head and its subordinate thirteen offices shared the duties including secretariat, cleaning, and medical care.

斎宮が不便をしないよう、京都の朝廷を模した長官の頭以下120名以上に及ぶ大規模な官司で配下にある十三の役所が出納・清掃・医療などの事務を分掌した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, with the increase of ashigaru and the emergence of its military strategy against cavalry, rushing at the enemy's position on foot by dismounting from the horse became common first in the western part of Japan, and later throughout the country.

しかし足軽の増大と彼らが繰り出す対騎馬隊戦法により、先ず西国から、後には全国的に馬から降りて徒歩で突撃する様になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yamato sovereignty made the local ruling families belonging to it govern their territory in eastern Japan where its ruling system was established in a later period than in western Japan.

ヤマト王権の支配が確立する時期が遅かった東日本では、ヤマト王権に帰属した豪族達にその支配地域をそのまま治めさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When sessho and kanpaku attended the government in place of the emperor during the Heian period, Daijokan still functioned as the highest organ of government, although its position was relatively lowered.

平安時代になると、摂政や関白が天皇の代理として政治を執り行ったため、相対的に地位が低下したが、国政に関する最高機関として機能し続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When it came to the age of the warrior government, during the Kamakura period, Daijokan still functioned as an organ of government, but during the Muromachi period, the Daijokan gradually lost its essential power to become just a nominal title to indicate rank in the government.

武家社会の時代に入っても、鎌倉時代には政務機関として機能していたが、室町時代になると次第に形骸化が進み、単純に格式を表わす職名になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Dajokan, which was differentiated from the above-mentioned Daijokan by its pronunciation, was the highest administrative organ established in accordance with Seitaisho in 1868 when the Meiji Restoration took place.

太政官(特に「だじょうかん」と読み分けられる)は、明治維新が開始された1868年(慶応4年/明治元年)、政体書によって設置された最高行政機関である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Imperial court (Kuge government) continued to exist thereafter as well, and sometimes made an effort, together with the bakufu (Buke government), to solve political problems, but gradually lost its political and governing powers.

朝廷(公家政権)はその後も存続してはおり、時には幕府(武家政権)と共同で政治問題の解決にあたったが、徐々に政治・統治能力を失っていくこととなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, following the start of the Muromachi bakufu whose base was located in Kyoto, the functions of the Kuge government were transferred to the bakufu as well, and the Kuge government almost lost its function as a government in the era of the Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA administration.

また、京都に基盤を置く室町幕府の開始とともに、公家政権の機能も幕府へと移っていく、足利義満執政期に公家政権は政権としての機能をほぼ失った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Edo period, the character of "御" (indicating a honorific expression) was added to its head, because this karo was appointed by Shogun, but today the more simple term of Tsukegato is used more often instead.


江戸時代では、将軍から付けられたので「御」をつけて呼ばれたが、現在では単に附家老(つけがろう)ということが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Nara Peerage refers to a family line and its people, who returned to the court noble society and entitled to be the peerage after the Meiji Restoration due to the special circumstances described below.

奈良華族(ならかぞく)は、明治維新後に下記に述べるような特殊な事情によって公家社会に復帰し、そのために後に華族となることを得た家系及びその家系に属する人々を指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Sengoku period, the master-servant relationship, in which the daimyo ruled as monarch, was developed with land as its base; leading to the Jigatachigyo system in the Edo period (provision of lands from a feudal government to retainers as salary).

戦国時代には、大名を君主として土地そのものを媒介とする主従関係が発達し、これが江戸時代の地方知行制のもととなっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The kanjo-kumigashira is a member of kanjo-sho, the office of financial affairs, in charge of supervising and managing bureaucrats belonging to office under the command of its commissioner, the kanjo-bugyo, for administration of the cognate's financial policy and agricultural policy.

勘定所に属して勘定奉行の支配を受けて勘定所所属の諸役人を指揮・監督を行い、幕府財政及び農政を担当した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, it was only after the Sengoku period (period of warring states) that the society began showing its attitude of giving a chance to anyone to rule the tenka as long as they had the will to do so.

また、天下取りという意欲を持てば誰でも天下を望める風潮が出てきたのは、戦国時代になってからのことであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thereafter, Naishi no suke played a role only as the court lady for clerical work in the modern age, however, its recruitment standard depended on the caste system until the end of Edo period.

その後典侍は現代の事務女官としての役割しか持たないようになるが、採用基準は江戸末期までの身分制度に大きく依存した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1615, Otsu-bugyo was positioned as ongoku-bugyo (magistrate placed in important areas for direct government control) and Otsu-daikan was placed under its command, but they were both abolished in 1722 when they were absorbed into Kyoto machi bugyo (Kyoto City Magistrates).

元和(日本)元年(1615年)に大津奉行を遠国奉行として大津代官をその指揮下としたが、享保7年(1722年)にともに廃止されて京都町奉行に統合された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In cases where the Financial Instruments Business Operator provides profits from its assets in order to compensate for the losses caused by the conduct, whether the business operator compiles records on the provided profits and the basis of the compensation calculation.

ヘ.当該事故等による損失の全部又は一部を補てんするために財産上の利益の提供を行う場合に、提供する財産上の利益及びその算定根拠の記録簿を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

Supervisors shall examine whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator has, in developing an internal control environment for dealing with complaints, etc., developed an appropriate and effective control environment in light of the size and specific characteristics of its business operations.

金融商品取引業者が、苦情等対処に関する内部管理態勢を整備するに当たり、業務の規模・特性に応じて、適切かつ実効性ある態勢を整備しているかを検証する。 - 金融庁

Supervisors shall examine whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator has, in responding to the financial ADR system, developed an appropriate and effective control environment in light of the size and specific characteristics of its business operations.

金融商品取引業者が、金融ADR制度への対応に当たり、業務の規模・特性に応じて適切かつ実効性ある態勢を整備しているかを検証する。 - 金融庁

Even supposing that the Financial Instruments Business Operator has posted information on its website, if it is feasible that there are customers who cannot view this information, the business operator needs to give consideration to these kinds of customers.

仮に、ホームページに掲載したとしても、これを閲覧できない顧客も想定される場合には、そのような顧客にも配慮する必要がある。 - 金融庁


b. Whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator has developed a control environment wherein it continuously monitors the processing status of complaints and disputes, and where necessary, reviews and revises its complaint processing measures and dispute resolution measures.

b.苦情・紛争の処理状況等のモニタリング等を継続的に行い、必要に応じ、苦情処理措置・紛争解決措置について、検討及び見直しを行う態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

d. Whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator has developed a control environment wherein, in cases where it has accepted a proposed solution, the division in charge takes prompt action, and the audit division conducts a follow-up examination on matters including the progress of its fulfillment.

d.解決案を受諾した場合、担当部署において速やかに対応するとともに、その履行状況等を監査部門等が事後検証する態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

e. Whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator has developed a control environment wherein, in cases where it rejects acceptance of a proposed solution, it promptly explains its reasoning and takes necessary action, in light of the rules, etc. of the external organization.

e.解決案の受諾を拒絶する場合、当該外部機関の規則等も踏まえつつ、速やかにその理由を説明するとともに、必要な対応を行う態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

C. Whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator has implemented measures to prevent the outsourcing of business operations from impeding the fulfillment of its obligations to the supervisory authorities, such as undergoing inspections, making reports and submitting data.

ハ.外部委託を行うことによって、検査や報告、記録の提出等監督当局に対する義務の履行等を妨げないような措置が講じられているか。 - 金融庁

B. Whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator maintains the effectiveness of the contingency plan by constantly reviewing and revising it in light of the actual state of its business operations as well as the system environment and other factors.

ロ.コンティンジェンシープランは、自社の業務の実態やシステム環境等に応じて常時見直され、実効性が維持される態勢となっているか。 - 金融庁

(i) CSR is a concept generally interpreted to include the economic, environmental and social responsibilities a company recognizes in relation to its diverse range of stakeholders, and activities conducted on the basis of those responsibilities.

① CSRは、一般的に、企業が多様な利害関係者(以下「ステークホルダー」という。)との関係の中で認識する経済・環境・社会面の責任と、それに基づく取組みと解されており、 - 金融庁

(i) Whether officers of the securities company, etc. and its subsidiary financial institution, etc. recognize the importance of conflict of interest management and sincerely take the lead in carrying out such management.

① 証券会社等及びその子金融機関等の役員は、利益相反管理の重要性を認識し、その実践に誠実にかつ率先垂範して取り組んでいるか。 - 金融庁

(vi) Whether the conflict of interest manager, etc. collects information necessary for conflict of interest management, including information on the transactions of its parent/subsidiary financial institutions, etc., thereby preparing a control environment for conducting conflict of interest management appropriately.

⑥ 利益相反管理統括者等は、その親金融機関等又は子金融機関等の取引を含め、利益相反管理に必要な情報を集約し、適切な利益相反管理を行う態勢を整備しているか。 - 金融庁

C. A Financial Instruments Business Operator should develop a control environment that ensures the implementation of appropriate measures when it has recognized a situation that could have a significant impact on the soundness of its financial condition.

ハ.財務の健全性に大きな影響を与える状況が確認された場合において、適切な措置が講じられる態勢を整備すること。 - 金融庁

Counterparty risk is the risk of a Financial Instruments Business Operator incurring losses due to a failure by the counterparties to its transactions to fulfill their contractual obligations.

取引先リスクとは、取引先に対する債権の保有に伴うリスクをいい、取引先が義務を履行しないことなどにより、金融商品取引業者が損失を被るリスクである。 - 金融庁

A. Those officers and employees are restricted from accessing non-shared information, other than the non-shared information that is under management by the securities company, etc. or any of its parent/subsidiary corporations, etc. with which the former exchanges non-disclosure information.

イ.当該職員が、当該証券会社等又は非公開情報の授受を行う親子法人等のうち、一の法人等が管理する非共有情報以外の非共有情報にアクセスできないこと。 - 金融庁

(i) In cases where the securities company, etc. conducts business operations, with its headquarters or sales branches located in a building also occupied by another financial institution, whether the securities company, etc. provides sufficient explanations regarding the following matters to customers:

① 証券会社等が、本店その他の営業所を他の金融機関と同一の建物に設置してその業務を行う場合には、以下の点について、顧客に対して十分に説明しているか。 - 金融庁

B. Products and services provided by the securities company, etc. are different from those provided by the said financial institution or its parent/subsidiary corporations, etc.

ロ.当該証券会社等が提供する有価証券関連業に係る商品・サービスは、当該金融機関又は親子法人等が提供しているものではないこと。 - 金融庁

(ii) In cases where an employee of the sales division of the securities company, etc. concurrently holds office at the sales division of its parent/subsidiary corporation, etc., whether the following measures have been taken appropriately.

② 証券会社等の営業部門の職員が、その親子法人等の営業部門との間で兼職をしている場合には、以下のような措置が適切に講じられているか。 - 金融庁

(iii) Whether the securities company, etc., has enhanced the order management system and maintained its functions, for example through periodic inspections, and through an appropriate allocation of personnel, including the appointment of a chief information officer (CIO), who is in charge of supervising the trading system.

③ 売買システムを統括するCIOの選任を含む人員配置や研修、定期的な検査などを通じ、注文管理体制の充実強化・機能維持が図られているか。 - 金融庁

Whether the over-the-counter financial futures business operator provides appropriate explanations regarding whether it engages in proprietary trading and, if it does so, regarding its control environment for risk management, when requested by customers to provide such explanations.

自己勘定による取引を行っているか否か、行っている場合のリスク管理態勢等について、顧客から説明を求められた場合には、適切な説明を行っているか。 - 金融庁

A. The over-the-counter derivative transactions shall function as a hedging instrument that is effective in conducting ongoing business operations even when taking into account the customer's business situation and its competitive relationship in the market (Note 1).

イ.顧客の事業の状況や市場における競争関係を踏まえても、継続的な業務運営を行う上で有効なヘッジ手段として機能すること(注1)。 - 金融庁

Unless a currency-related over-the-counter derivatives business operator, who provides low-spread transactions, can secure and maintain a considerable trade volume, there is the risk that its financial situation will worsen.

低スプレッド取引を提供する通貨関連店頭デリバティブ取引業者は、相当程度の取引量を確保・維持しなければ、財務状況が悪化するおそれがある。 - 金融庁

Also, whether the business operator periodically examines the said decision with due consideration of any changes in its earnings structure or trade volume, and whether it makes revisions as necessary.

また、当該決定について、自社の収益構造及び取引量の変化等を踏まえて定期的に検証し、必要に応じて見直しを行っているか。 - 金融庁

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